Step 1: Take photos of the meter readings - This is boring but important for when you finally get down to setting up your move in accounts with your gas, water and electric people. You wont need to set up these accounts super urgently, but having these meter readings photographed on your move in date will save you the worry and hassle at a later date
If you achieve these basic 5 steps on day 1 or 2 of moving into your new home, you are winning at life. Let me know if these tips work for you!
So you are going through the conveyance process and are expecting to exchange and complete soon, the daunting task of packing up your entire life is a massive daunting task but breaking it down into steps and being organised can help you manage this tricky and sometimes stressful time. Here is a list of 5 steps to do when prepping to move out;
Hey There! Today I want to talk about wallcovering choices. This links into an Instalive I did with Michael from @melville_house. If you head over to his page you can see his real love for bold and varied wall papers. My experience with wall coverings is quite different, having grown up in Malta where most houses were built with a porous sandstone, wallpapering wasn't common at all. But before we discuss covering your walls, I just want a mention towards the beauty of bare surfaces.
There you have it folks! A collection of inspiring ways to cover the walls in your space. I cant wait to use some of these in my own spaces! If you think of any that I have missed, or have used some of these methods in your own spaces let me know below!
xoxo Pete |